Luxury bags require first-class leather. A luxurious, soft touch and eye-catching beauty are required. However, Augusto's standards for leather are not the only ones. It has reliable durability that can be used every day. Only after meeting these standards will it be selected for bag production.
All the leather used in our bags is produced in Italy by Europe's highest quality tanners. This leather has been certified GOLD (highest rating) for environmental performance by an international rating agency.
Trajan leather, named after the great Roman Emperor Trajan, is the signature material of the Augusto brand.
It is a rare leather obtained from calf cows, and has a very supple and luxurious texture and a deep luster.
However, the greatest feature of Trajan leather is its durability, which seems to last forever. The leather is thick enough for a men's bag, is resistant to scratches and water, and becomes softer the more you use it.
“A bag made with this leather will acquire eternal beauty, like the fame of Emperor Trajan.” – Mauro
The strong and gorgeous leather is mainly used for the wallet series. It is named Trajan II.
While inheriting the characteristics of Trajan, it is finished with finer embossing and has a strong waist that gives it a sculpture-like beauty.
Poltrona, which means sofa, is a calf leather that is said to be the rarest and most expensive of all natural leathers. The leather is obtained from calves up to 6 months old, so it is extremely soft, smooth, and has a glossy luster.
Bags made using Poltrona, which can be called Italian jewelry, are as beautiful and sensual as works of art.
As Poltrona is used, its texture increases, and even that feeling of use is incorporated into the bag as a kind of charm.
Augusto uses Porosus crocodile, the rarest of all crocodiles.
Porosus is smaller than normal crocodiles, and the area of leather that can be taken from each crocodile is limited, but the scales are very neatly arranged. For this reason, it is prized as the finest crocodile.
The unique heathered grain created by Augusto's unique cutting method not only conveys the power of the crocodile, but also exudes elegance.
Himalayan crocodile, considered the most luxurious material in the world, is a leather made by selecting only the highest quality hides from the Nile crocodile species and tanning them using a special method.
The white color reminiscent of the snowy skin of the Himalayas and the transparent gray hue give off an artistic presence. The leather is made from the highest quality crocodile, so the scales are very beautiful and the texture is supple like calf leather.